Position Statements are official statements by or on behalf of the ABPA pertaining to matters of public interest or concern, which are deemed of significance to the ABPA and the backflow prevention industry. All position statements shall be consistent with the Articles of Incorporation of ABPA and Article II of the Association bylaws.
Adoption and Duration
All position statements for adoption or amendment shall be submitted to the ABPA Board of Directors.
- The statement may be sent by the Board of Directors to an appropriate committee for additional research including legal review of the statement.
- The statement shall only be acted upon at a meeting of the Board of Directors.
- The statement shall be approved as an official position statement by a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors and be maintained in The Manual.
- The official position statement shall be made available to the members.
- The official position statement shall be valid until revoked or amended by the Board of Directors.
The following Position Statements have been approved by the ABPA Board of Directors and hereby constitute the position of ABPA with regard to each.
ABPA Position Statements
Application of Previously Installed Backflow Prevention Assemblies
Backflow Prevention Assembly Testers
Backflow Prevention Assemblies for Irrigation Sprinkler Systems
Cross-Connections and Appropriate Backflow Protection
Dental Waterline Protection
Enforcement of Cross-Connection Control Programs
Field Testing of Backflow Prevention Assemblies
Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness Act of 2002
Repair of Backflow Prevention Assemblies Below Minimum Accepted Values
Water-Operated Backup Sump Pumps
Wet Charged Fire Suppression Systems